My mom is recovering from hip surgery and I wanted to visit her but I hate the greyhound bus (stinky, too expensive, risk of beheading) so I decided to have a little adventure instead. On Monday at 7:00 AM I packed up my paniers, slapped on some sun screen and set off for Nanaimo just me and my bike. I made it to Swartz Bay in time for the 9:00 Ferry to Saltspring Island. I had an awesome lunch in Ganges and hit it off with this guy who owns a little bike shop there. I didn't get to Crofton until 2pm. The heat of the sun was getting to me a bit so I took the super scenic route through Saltair and then through Cedar. It was uphill most of the way but I managed to make it home for dinner. In Nanaimo I ran over a piece of glass so I ended up having to patch the tire which was a grand occasion for my cousin Tim and I to drink beer and gab about music. Then I took it for a spin and noticed that I pulled some muscle in my foot that I was not even aware I had. I'm still limping around. This is what you get when your pedals are 23 years old and don't turn as well as they should. After long day on a bike the little things you usually never notice get to you. Did I mention I caved in and bought some of those padded butt shorts for the trip? Hot.
I highly recommend cycling from Vic to Nanaimo via Saltspring. This way you avoid imminent death (the Malahat) and can sit around in Ganges with a pretzel from Barbs Buns and friendly awesome Saltspringers. Next time I'm taking it slower and bringing a bathing suit because Cedar Rd crosses one of the best swimming spots on the Nanaimo River.
Sounds like an awesome adventure! Hitting the river myself, at that very spot.
Well howdy neighbour :)
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